Short-term Courses 短期課程
- TOCFL 檢定輔導班 TOCFL Preparation Courses
- 為幫助外籍生順利通過「華語文能力測驗」檢定考試,本課程提供外籍學參加「華語文能力檢定測驗」之應試技巧及准備方向,以模擬測驗實作為主,課程著重在說明應試策略與答題技巧,幫助同學熟悉考試形式與題型,以順利通過「華語文能力檢定測驗」。
- 授課對象:
- 具有本校學籍之外籍學生。
- 想報考「華語文能力測驗」 檢定考試外籍人士。
- Course Description: This 30-hour course prepares foreign students for passing the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL). Through taking mock tests, students will be familiar with the test format. Test-taking strategies and tips will be taught in this course.
- Target Students: International Students at Minth University of Science and Technology
- 華語基礎課程 Practical Chinese Courses
- 依學生程度排定課程,主要以入門級(AI)或基礎級(A2)內容為主,以培養學生日常生活溝通能力,透過對話及語法說明,提升學生字棠能力及聽說能力,使學生能理解與使用常用語詞之表達,可以用粗淺的詞語描述自身背景、與人溝通簡單、回答自己或他人有關個人的訊息。
- 授課對象:
- 具有本校學籍之外籍學生。
- 有興趣學習華語之外籍人士
- 企業外籍員工。
- Course Description: This customized 30-hour course provides lessons and tasks based on the needs of the students.
- Target Students:
- International students at Minth University of Science and Technology.
- Foreigners interested in learning Chinese.
- Foreign employees of enterprises.